Friday, 16 June 2017

Hi There,

One of the most important tool in self love is forgiveness. Forgiveness is not about giving our power away but it's about being more powerful by loving self and others unconditionally. You check some of  my YouTube videos on forgiveness  (short sharing).

Forgiveness works amazingly not only health relantions with self or others but creating abundance in our life. I will share more on going on abundance.

How to forgive ? Allow me  to share some tools that I work on myself.

1) Firstly, aware the meaning of forgiveness. Understand by learning self of why forgiveness is important to us. Are we doing it for sake satisfy ego or sincerity? To have forgiveness really work deeper sense, we need to be humble for self and the party we want forgive.

2) Forgiveness is never about winning our ego or create more gap of negative feeling that block us to grow. Forgiveness is about empowering love within and environment around us.

3) Ready to let to go even it means so much.

4) Do not confuse self with situation that we are forgiving by being too sure you are doing right thing. Why ? It increase the defense ego being right. Please note that everyone is right according to their belief thought pattern. Yes it's can be very evil and hurt, we judge them to punish according to the attraction thought belief. Once that happens, the punishment is within not to the person. So that's makes worst to forgive.

5) Aware that every situation challenges is a lerning process. The forgive love will create the result that you deserve to experience. You must allow it to happen according alignment of nature.  Sometimes it does not happen exactly as we wish. Tell the self, it's ok. There is always something better and good.

6) The point to realise about forgiveness is giving space of self energy to evolve further acceptance, understanding and awareness. Give gentleness of love in forgiving.

7 ) Always remember Noone born as evil on Earth. It is about judgemental upbringing, the influences and unawareness of how to study self. So always give a break in your forgiving moment. Noone is perfect. It's all about experiences as it is and move forward to create great love and joy.

8) I am going to share my Teacher forgiving prayers affirmations which has truly truly truly help me much in my everything of life. It works on last 14years. I am sure it will for you as allow to experience it's love.

Before your start this affirmation, please close your eyes, fall in the feet of person, situation, building, car or anything that you wish to clear the uneasy feeling or fear you have with it. Do it in your mind sincerely and learn not to attached desperately to change result as you want. As I said before, allow nature to interfere for better result. Then say this affirmations in your heart or loud and also imagine your favorite God/Almighty or whoever you believe is the your faith in helping to transits this forgiving process accordingly.

Affirmation of Forgiving

I forgive myself unconditionally
I forgive you unconditionally
I love you unconditionally
I love Myself unconditionally
I am giving you unconditionally
I am receiving you unconditionally
I am accepting you unconditionally
I am you
We are one.

The above affirmation enhance the relantionhips with self and everything else. It strength the innerself relantionhips. It clears the negative or judgemental differences. You can say as many times you want. After saying, say Thank you to your Divine love universe for creating love.

Ok folks.
Wish the above helps you in your journey of self love as it does to me.

Blessings of love.

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