Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Being Miracle

I shut my eyes I see patterns of ray lights in darkness sometimes images. I open my eyes I see many images that moves me, my thoughts and emotions. I do get carried away in responding to the element of sound, colours that images potrays. I was taught this is normal in my growing years.

Since I am practising loving myself, I am wondering how did I create all this as it proclaimed, everything is us. Slowly slowly, I am slowing down my thoughts, silencing and opening the inner understanding, giving thanks to everything, loving bit by bit, I am opening myself to life miracles because I am a miracle myself. We are miracles to Earth.

Love and acceptance of self makes me realize there is never No in universe unless I believe in it. When I say thank you infront of the mirror to Life, my eyes gets teary because it touches my inner divine spirit  that I acknowledge its miracle.

As I tune my focus more and more to aware how I am to myself and everything, my thoughts changing to different way looking at the images of life. It becomes more priceless to me.

Day by day, I realise I am gift of Universe to experience the magical world of being miracle. Slowly the darkness, the negative fear illusion petals moving away. It does come back, I say thanks again to show there is still some dark petals in me needed more colouring. I do it, I paint myself with colours so that I love more as my images projects,  I see reflection the colours of love in me. Of course sound of music too.😁

Lets colours innerself with our love, it takes time or moments to aware our miracle being. Never give up. Only by practise of gratitude n love life, our hearts flows divinely beyond any limitation. Only by intuition and imagination❤.

Happy colouring
Tq lord
Blessing of love

Friday, 18 August 2017

Words of choice

Words makes who I am. Words are thoughts. Is it easy to change thoughts? Is it easy to change words? Louise Hay say yes it is easy. Practising this knowledge over the years has made me more loveable. It removes the deepest darkest side of me which I thought was not easy. It is easy.

It matters on whether I wanted to or not. I made a choice. Choice is also easy as thoughts. Life is full of thoughts. What choice we make life creates.

Therefore choose wisely. Say wisely. Live wisely. It is very simple. Only requires practise. As I practice faith gets stronger because it become of what I choose. Trust follows along too.

Thoughts and words of feelings are all easyly can be done. It matters what we pick. Happy choosing❤❤

Tq lord
Blessings of love

Stay love

Love life

Thought Matters

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Being truthful

Can anyone stand for lifetime only speaking the truth no matter what is the situation? I doubt it.😂. If there is, I applaud the courage  and believe in within.

Personally, my very own attitude is uttering truth expression without assesing the implications of it. Now I have been many many times trap myself of  why I need to be expressive truthful speaking personality. I believe I am born this way because I remember many incidents landed me in trouble😁😁 .

Till it made me aware to believe speaking truth is very expensive and painful. Now having this belief thought patterns that has much landed similar experiences till I started loving myself.

Till today, whether in my writtings, my explanation or even in business deals, I speak and stand on my truth. Knowing as I speak in truth, I might lose a deal or creating my watever impression I made on myself. As I am loving myself, I begining to love myself even more to have this outrageous personality. This is because I begin to see more truthful result of being who I am. Yes it may be painful or shameful but after a while it enfold to magic rainbow cake that so sweet to eat.😂

I began to accept the truth of inner soul. Somewhere within, there is knowingness that in this moment lies only being truthful to ourself.

Being truthful to ourself, creates many things in life. Better awareness  of what we truly want in life, being authentic, being more strong and courage to stand within, creates more abundance fullfillingly, healthy boundary within  and most of all aligning our trueself.

My sharing Today is in my personal experiences of truthfulness is in my inner relationship with divine love within. Most of us has a belief of what divine love is for us. The relationship with divine love is relantionship with our self. What matter  in truthfulness relantionship divine love creates the similar experiences with others. So how we treat our inner divine love the same creates the outer experiences.

Over the years, in experiecing this understanding makes me aware truly that we are born magical myths. This is my personal believe being Human. We been given such exotic abilities that we take it for granted because of past believers. So being truthful is one of the factors.

Many afraid to speak the truth because of many reason and it again is all relates to inner relationship. Clear what is inner your inner relantionship of being truthful because that is only way to have clear mirror lifestyle in joy and love.

Tq for reading
Tq lord
Blessing of love

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Unattachable energy is Love

Everyone has ideas and concepts what is life and how can life be to us...We hear and read from enlightment souls sharing their understanding that can help us to know, love and feel ourself with life. We get excited to explain this that in our understanding to others.

So each  understanding enfolds and recreate with another understanding, now when it reaches to people, some may love it, some may like it and some may hate it and list goes on. The duty of sharing is just to pass the "message" of what one wants to hear. Now the message received and understood is all depends on the ears and mind that interpret it. Yes?

So how can we judge life is how and what? Can it be in oneness when each of unique in our ideas? Can we really predict how is life for future?...Personally every prediction relates to belief pattern. The power of conviction creates and manifest the ideas into so called reality.

Now when these ideas manifest, we then become and belief the ego of skills that builds us. If along the way some mishap happen, there is where unappreciation towards our own manifestation happen which again all depends what idea we believe.

In my sharing today, life teaches the meaning of flexibility and acceptance to what comes our way. The power resistance to these non acceptances creates illusionary fears that again creates the belief manifestation. This will separates our trueself.

Just be aware every good comes, its a joy, every bad or mistakes comes is still a joy.😁😁❤❤ Because life is hinting we need to change our style of whatever  we creating nonalignment. Mind us making mistakes is also never mistakes because we are life itself. We projectors of miracles daily.

Things happens, shits happens but it never about looking for negative approach. Its about positive way looking at it. It never that it is fix as it is. It is about moving along with it. What is life is showing. Learn it and unlearn again. So give time space to study self in creating life that aligns within. This is biggest and truest  investment  anyone can do to self for success is learning self every day because we change every moment as we are the unattachable energy.😁

Tq for reading.
Tq lord
Blessings of love