Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Being Miracle

I shut my eyes I see patterns of ray lights in darkness sometimes images. I open my eyes I see many images that moves me, my thoughts and emotions. I do get carried away in responding to the element of sound, colours that images potrays. I was taught this is normal in my growing years.

Since I am practising loving myself, I am wondering how did I create all this as it proclaimed, everything is us. Slowly slowly, I am slowing down my thoughts, silencing and opening the inner understanding, giving thanks to everything, loving bit by bit, I am opening myself to life miracles because I am a miracle myself. We are miracles to Earth.

Love and acceptance of self makes me realize there is never No in universe unless I believe in it. When I say thank you infront of the mirror to Life, my eyes gets teary because it touches my inner divine spirit  that I acknowledge its miracle.

As I tune my focus more and more to aware how I am to myself and everything, my thoughts changing to different way looking at the images of life. It becomes more priceless to me.

Day by day, I realise I am gift of Universe to experience the magical world of being miracle. Slowly the darkness, the negative fear illusion petals moving away. It does come back, I say thanks again to show there is still some dark petals in me needed more colouring. I do it, I paint myself with colours so that I love more as my images projects,  I see reflection the colours of love in me. Of course sound of music too.😁

Lets colours innerself with our love, it takes time or moments to aware our miracle being. Never give up. Only by practise of gratitude n love life, our hearts flows divinely beyond any limitation. Only by intuition and imagination❤.

Happy colouring
Tq lord
Blessing of love

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